May 16, 2024

What to Expect After Serving a Notice to Vacate in Texas

Worried Woman Reading Her Notice to Vacate
Worried Woman Reading Her Notice to Vacate

If you’re a landlord in Texas, you understand that sometimes serving a notice to vacate is necessary. Whether a tenant violated the terms of their lease agreement or just flat out stopped paying rent, sometimes you need to take that first step towards getting a new renter on your property.

At Manning & Meyers, we are eviction attorneys that have seen it all in the eviction process and know that while this first step is a simple legal notice, it can come with scenarios that don’t always result in a smooth eviction.

Understanding the Notice to Vacate

Before diving into the potential outcomes, let’s clarify what a notice to vacate is. In Texas, a notice to vacate is a written document that a landlord serves to a tenant when the tenant has breached the lease agreement. The most common reasons for serving a notice to vacate include non-payment of rent, violation of lease terms, and causing damage to the property.

The notice typically outlines the specific breach and provides the tenant with a set timeframe to rectify the issue or move out of the property. The timelines vary depending on the type of violation, but for non-payment of rent, the standard notice period is three days. Remember, you can’t start the eviction process without serving an official written notice to your tenant.

Be Ready for Emotional Responses and Requests for Extensions

One of the first things you may encounter after serving a notice to vacate is an emotional response from the tenant. Some tenants may become defensive, angry, or even hostile when faced with the prospect of eviction. It’s essential to remain calm and professional throughout the process, and to document all interactions with the tenant.

Additionally, some tenants may request an extension of the notice period, claiming that the allotted time is insufficient for them to find alternative housing or make the necessary arrangements. While Texas law does not require landlords to grant extensions, you may choose to do so as a goodwill gesture or to avoid potential conflicts.

Refusal to Vacate and Eviction Lawsuits

If the tenant fails to comply with the notice to vacate or resolve the issue within the specified timeframe, you may need to initiate eviction proceedings through the legal system. The eviction process can be complex. Trust our team of eviction lawyers to help you gather the correct eviction documents, file an eviction lawsuit with the appropriate court and following the required procedures.

It’s important to note that some tenants may attempt to justify their failure to pay rent or comply with the lease by claiming that the rental property was uninhabitable or that the landlord failed to maintain the premises properly. In such cases, your documentation of repairs and maintenance efforts can be crucial in disproving these claims and strengthening your case for eviction.

Negotiation and Payment Plans

In some instances, tenants may attempt to negotiate with you or propose a payment plan to resolve the outstanding rent issue. While you are not obligated to accept such arrangements, it may be worth considering if the tenant has a history of reliable payment and a reasonable plan to become current on their rent.

If you do choose to enter into a payment plan or hold-off agreement, it’s essential to have the terms clearly documented in writing and signed by both parties. This agreement should outline the specific payment amounts, due dates, and consequences for non-compliance.

The Role of an Eviction Attorney

Navigating the eviction process can be complex, with strict legal requirements and potential pitfalls. That’s why it’s highly recommended to work with an experienced eviction lawyer, like the team at Manning & Meyers. Our attorneys are well-versed in Texas landlord-tenant laws and can guide you through the entire process, ensuring that your rights are protected and that you comply with all necessary procedures.

Expertise and Experience

Eviction laws can be intricate, and even minor missteps can derail the process or lead to legal consequences. Our team at Manning & Meyers has extensive experience handling eviction cases in Texas, which means we can anticipate potential challenges, navigate them effectively, and potentially speed up the eviction process with our thorough legal approach..

We’ll help you streamline the process and minimize delays. We understand the nuances of the legal system and can ensure that all documentation and filings are properly prepared and submitted, reducing the risk of costly mistakes.

Negotiation and Representation

In cases where negotiation or mediation is possible, our lawyers can skillfully represent your interests and work towards a favorable resolution. If the matter proceeds to court, we will provide vigorous representation to protect your rights as a landlord.

Compliance and Risk Mitigation

Eviction laws are designed to protect both landlords and tenants, and failure to comply with these laws can result in legal consequences. Our team ensures that you remain compliant throughout the process, mitigating potential risks and liabilities.

Take the Next Eviction Steps With Manning & Meyers

When you have an eviction looming in the distance, the complexities of the process can seem daunting. At Manning & Meyers, we are here to  guide you and ensure you don’t navigate the eviction process alone. 

We have decades of experience helping landlords in Dallas remain compliant throughout the process and are ready to help you get the right renters on your property. 

Contact us today, and let our experienced eviction lawyers move you in the right direction of a smooth and legally compliant resolution.